Thursday, March 5, 2009


Last weekend I had the awesome opportunity of getting to go snowshoeing with the INN. I've gone on the trip the last several years, and it's always really fun. Snowshoeing doesn't require much skill, and is pretty much hiking without too much effort. Very nice.

This year, our destination was the same, but I found the journey much less stressful. I blame this on a few things. Firstly, I think having to walk up a good sized hill to get home each day has made me a good bit stronger. That helps.

Also, I think this year's trek was easier due to using much better equipment than I've ever used before. My parents gave me an awesome pair of snowshoes that worked great, as well as some new layers of clothing for keeping warm. I was more than comfortable heading up the hill. Amazing.

In 2.5 weeks, we depart for Monettery, Mexico. It should be a great trip. We've got 26 awesome students going with us. While we're not fully sure what the organization has planned for us down there, we trust that God is already preparing us for the work that He knows is to come.

All in all, things are going well. This quarter remains busy, but I'm still getting a lot of good reading in and a great amount of sleep. This year has been an awesome adventure so far!

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