Monday, September 7, 2009

Goodbye, Blogger. Hello, Steadwich!

It's time. I've moved the blog to to facilitate the startings of the Stead Halstead School of Biblical Literacy. And to use WordPress, which is pretty awesome.

Update your bookmarks, notepads, address books, and RSS feeds!

Friday, August 7, 2009

On Campus

I'm on campus again. Feels great. Today I'm spending two hours up here to brainstorm some ideas, passages, and thoughts on heaven for my talk next week at the INN.

Campus is quiet, but it's nice. Sitting in the skybridge, open to distractions. This is one of my favorite spots. Not really the skybridge, but the library in general. A combination of quiet, productive, and lots of free space. On top of all that, it puts me in the middle of those I'm attempting to serve.

Updates soon. And probably a blog move to a new spot because of my templating woes with blogspot. Besides that, has plenty of free space.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Messy Faith

This is something similar to my talk I gave at the Summer INN two weeks ago. It's not totally the same though due to different audiences, and a fair amount of additions during the talk. For more details on the INN, check out our website at or find us on twitter at 

I've been moving for the last few weeks. I’ve moved out of where I lived during the year, and into a new spot that I’m subletting for the summer. In late august or early September, I’ll be moving again to a more permanent location here in Bellingham. All this means a whole lot of cardboard, piles of stuff, and missing important things. On top of all of this mess in my room, I decided to go down to my parent’s house in maple Valley to fetch a few of those boxes that I haven’t really thought about for the last few years. They’re the things that we’ve all got, like gifts from the last few years, yearbooks, and all sorts of things.

I care about these things, of course, and they have some good sentimental value, but on the other hand, they’ve been in a box at my parent’s house for the last four years and I haven’t thought about them once. I can’t bring myself to get rid of them, but I also can’t figure out how to keep them.

The goal in having all this stuff up here is to be able to work through it, figure out what I do need, what I don’t need, and simplify a bit. I’m really getting bogged down though being in the midst of the mess in my room. I’m tired of waking up and jumping out of bed only to step on several layers of clothes, puzzles and who knows what else. Even though I’m tired of all of the stuff, I’m in the midst of this mess because I know that next year I’ll be much better off having sorted through things.

In a lot of the same ways, stuff piles up in our lives. Not all of it is bad, some is, but all of it makes life a little trickier. It's worth looking into these messes in our lives, and possibly even realizing that God could be working in the midst of them.

We live messy lives. We’re messy people. As much as we’d like to portray an image that we’ve got it all together, we get things wrong, let others down, and fail to love.

I think the summer is a cool time to be around the INN because of a lot of reasons, but I especially love that there are people here that have been going to school at western as well as people who grew up around Bellingham and are back fro the summer, and people with stories that we haven’t heard. We’ve all been in hard, messy places before and this summer is an incredible time to share this with others in the community. Things go differently than we planned, and we run into hurt and pain in our lives, sometimes that we don’t even know about.

Everything seems to get messy in our lives as some point. Relationships with our parents get messy when we don’t call or visit often enough, relationships with our roommates get tough when we don’t do our dishes or can’t pay rent, and relationships with other people get messy when we don’t love them like we should. As simple as loving God with all our heart and loving our neighbors as ourself is by itself, when we apply it to our lives, things seem to get a little bit trickier, messier, mudier.

With all this terrible realization of how messy our lives get, where does God come into all of this? What could a good, perfect, loving God have to do with people who trip and fall in their life, continuously turning to and from God? Despite the fact that we can’t get it right, God still loves and cares for us. In Romans 5, verses 6-8 Paul says this:

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

We don’t have to get it all right, and we won’t get it all right. Even though I have a long history of turning away from God and forgetting to love my neighbors, he died for me. For all of us, He died. Not because we had cleaned up the messes in our lives, but because he loved us. God died for us knowing fully how we have separated ourselves from Him.

I did a quick search in the bible for mess when I started preparing. I was a little shocked at first, when 780 results came up. I was a little disappointed though when I saw that almost all the results were not just the word mess, but usually message or messiah. I scrolled through the list anyway, but as my eyes crossed all of these “mess” words, I started thinking that maybe it wasn’t such a coincidence. Now, of course if you go look at some background, or the greek and Hebrew, I’m sure there is actually no connection, but, I found it interesting anyway that God’s message kept coming up, and perhaps the phrasing God’s message has something to do with God entering into our mess, and Messiah has something to do with Christ walking with us and helping us through our messy lives.

The ways that we are challenged to interact with others often causes some messiness in our lives. Loving God and loving our neighbors are concepts foreign to a lot of people around us. Living these things out is challenging. Loving our enemies includes loving those around us that maybe we wouldn’t associate with otherwise. It can mean uncomfortable conversations with people that you don’t know. It can mean stretching ourselves to do something for others without looking for credit. It can mean forgiving others that for largely offensive things when our culture tells us to disassociate with the person. Not only do the actions make our life more difficult or messier, but living the words of Christ gets people talking and most likely questioning what you’re doing.

My room is still full of boxes, piles of clothes and memories from the last 23 years, but I’m working through it. I have to admit though, I haven’t done it all by myself. People have helped me pack, transport boxes, move furniture and more. We shouldn’t be in our spiritual/emotional/relational messiness alone either. We know that God is with us, and it’s important to connect with others in community.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

End of Season

Well, the internship has ended! This week is a week off, and then the following week we start up the Summer INN. As sad as I am that the internship is over, I know that some really great things are coming up. The summer INN feels like an experiment in community that is very fluid and student driven. It should be awesome.
As much as I want to write here about the end of the internship, I wouldn't be able to give a full perspective of our team. For that, you'll have to check out and read everyone's final blog posts. 
Perhaps more blogging this summer. Woo hoo!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Phone pic number one!

Few and Far Between

Too much has happened since my last post. Sorry. It would take too many words to tell about everything that's happened between now and then, so here are some pictures of a few of the awesome things I've taken part in:

We went packpacking to Lizzard and Lilly Lakes in the Chuckanut mountains. We look 35 or so students. it was awesome. This picture is me throwing my backpack over my head and catching it on my back.

I've continued making a lot of videos, frequently. I still love it. My camera has been getting some good use this year. It's about time! Check out for some of our work this year!

The next weekend after backpacking we went to do a local service project in Acme, WA. The area flooded earlier this year and there's still a lot of work to be done. We mainly raked, shoveled, and moved lots of gravel.

Some of the girl interns put our office items in jello. I found this on my desk after getting back from a meeting. This is a picture of my wooden carved name tag that I made in high school. Luckily, they put it in a ziplog bag before jelloing it so that the orange jello didn't stain the wood. Seth found his mug in jello. Jim found jello in his mug.

The INN's video editing iMac toasted. It's Christine's fault. Just kidding. We squeezed a good 4 or so year stint out of that refurbished iMac. Considering that it was used to produce the videos each week, I'm pretty impressed! 

Well, that's the quick update to get me current. In other news, I applied to be the Summer INN co-director and got the job! I'm really excited. I'm still on and off sad about not going back to Alaska, but I think this summer is going to be a really good experience. On top of that, it will be a much warmer experience!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Campus Ministry: Crazy Adventure

Campus ministry has been a huge part of my time in school. When I started my education at a local community college, I didn't have much direction in my life or a strong understanding of what it meant to be a young adult of faith. Out on my own, I was without the guidance of my parents or high school friends to encourage my spiritual growth and connection with a local church. I spent the year lonely, confused, and frustrated about the ways my life had changed.

Eventually, a call from a friend invited me to move away from the community college and continue my education at Western Washington University. I agreed to join him, although this move didn't seem reasonable or a good way to move forward with my academic career. Within a week of moving two hours from where I was, another good friend invited me to the INN, a large campus ministry in Bellingham.

Through the INN, I reconnected with my faith and began learning and growing more through participation in weekly gatherings, small groups, and a mission trip to rural Maine. My eyes were opened to what it means to make this faith my own and make it a priority in my life. My time at the INN as a student ended last year, as I transitioned into being an intern at the INN and realizing that I have a passion for working with students and helping them discover faith.

Through my growth this year as an intern in a campus ministry setting, I am committed to supporting campus ministry with my time. This year's ministry experience has been fantastic. I love the way I have been able to see God move in a large group of students, as well as how God works through small details. I will be supporting college ministry the rest of my life. Either directly, as a campus minister, or indirectly, through financial and other giving.

Campus ministry faces huge challenges in the future. Campus ministry will continued to be challenged in funding. Students don't have the funds necessary to support large ministry organizations, supporting churches don't gain members or funds from college students, and parents are already struggling to keep up with the raising costs of higher education.

Campus ministry will also be challenged in how it reaches out to students. In a world where we are terrified to offending one another over religious beliefs, Campus ministries will need to continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At times, this will bring challenge, offense, hurt, love, care and joy. Within a campus ministry community, we walk together, causing another challenge of supporting students through changing times. We are challenged to be tollerant, without watering down the Truth.

Campus ministry is an exciting place to be. We live in a changing world, which is amplified in campus ministry, where participants turnover every 4-5 years as they finish their education and move out into the world. Despite the challenges, it's a great adventure that has been worth every dollar and every hour of time. There is no greater adventure than following Christ, and campus ministry is no exception.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fires and Fires

The last few days have been filled with a lot of fires. The first one is the not-so-great kind. Bellingham's Shangri-la motel caught on fire. Strange motel, but I suppose a bit of a landmark. It seems to still be standing, but we saw some pretty serious flames coming through the roof. We've been having some pretty cold weather (frozen Red Square --->) lately, so perhaps someone was trying to heat up their room a bit more. Who knows.

The other fire is one I experienced tonight. It's the better type. The fire down on the beach type. The kind of fire on a cold beach that rings in spring and all the great adventures to come. This particular fire was a birthday celebration.

The moon was already huge. We got down to the side of the bay, just across the tracks as the sun was setting for the day. As we traded sunlight for moonlight, the fire gave off just the right amount of warmth to keep us down there. Everyone is a friend at these things. We always meet each other for what seems like the first time, only to find that we've heard each other's names a thousand times and we're more connected than we would have previously guessed. We tell stories to our new friends over foil dinners made on the hot coals of our fire. The moon is reflecting off the bay in long streaks, and creating silhouettes of the trees on the rocky outcroppings on either side of us. As we talk, sometimes to only one other person and sometimes to the entire group, a few trains rush by. The tide slowly moves out as our conversations get more and more detailed. The scene is beautiful.

One by one, the individual conversations stop as a friend's excited words catch the attention of our ears. Eventually we are all captivated by what they are saying. The friend has been musing on how He has seen God working through him lately. Through interactions with others and being in the right place at the right time, God is doing something that could have never been planned or coordinated. This friend is excited to share, and we are excited to listen.

In this momment, I am inspired. Inspired to share my faith. Inspired to learn more. Inspired beyond my feeling tired at times and inspired to keep going. Inspired because God is doing something in this place that I see, and that God is doing somethings that I can see. The great adventure has sprung from watching God's plan develop in those that I regularly interact with, and somehow God is using my stumbling, mixed up, words to help this other person. I'm thankful for these momments of realization, and thankful as well for those that God has put in my life that have been unaware of their being used by Him.

May the plan continue to unfold, both in ways visible and invisible.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Last weekend I had the awesome opportunity of getting to go snowshoeing with the INN. I've gone on the trip the last several years, and it's always really fun. Snowshoeing doesn't require much skill, and is pretty much hiking without too much effort. Very nice.

This year, our destination was the same, but I found the journey much less stressful. I blame this on a few things. Firstly, I think having to walk up a good sized hill to get home each day has made me a good bit stronger. That helps.

Also, I think this year's trek was easier due to using much better equipment than I've ever used before. My parents gave me an awesome pair of snowshoes that worked great, as well as some new layers of clothing for keeping warm. I was more than comfortable heading up the hill. Amazing.

In 2.5 weeks, we depart for Monettery, Mexico. It should be a great trip. We've got 26 awesome students going with us. While we're not fully sure what the organization has planned for us down there, we trust that God is already preparing us for the work that He knows is to come.

All in all, things are going well. This quarter remains busy, but I'm still getting a lot of good reading in and a great amount of sleep. This year has been an awesome adventure so far!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

So quickly!

I'm not sure where time has been going this quarter. Things are moving so quickly. The todo list has been getting long, I"m meeting with more people, and things are going. It's been an awesome adventure so far.

The last few weeks have brought a time for us to start recruiting people to take our places next year as interns. This is pretty strange. It means I need to start thinking more about where I'm off to next.

In a lot of ways, I'm grateful that I haven't been thinking too much about the next step. It's meant that I can relax, focus on right now, and keep going. On the other hand, I could use a little bit of panic so that I would actually do a little bit of planning.

I had the opportunity to speak at our student leader training meeting a few Mondays ago. I had a great time. Speaking is usually something that I dread a bit, but this was different, and better. I had a good time preparing, and actually talking it that day. I talked about the mysterious transition to adult faith that a lot of people talk about. I blogged a little about it at the other blog on

That's all I've got for now. More "later", whenever that is!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Back again

As I lay in a different place tonight, I'm reminded of living here before. It's a little different (I'm on a pretty old hide-a-bed) and a little more cramped (I'm in a hall way), but still good. The value of this place makes the physical discomfort totally worth it.

As I lay in bed, eventually drifiting off to sleep, I'm listening to two guitars strumming in the living room. The music keeps changing from not really anything to a random worship song, back to nothing, and eventually to some top 40 hit. I can hear bits of conversations too, the left overs of the small group bible study that met here several hours before. One friend is studying the human body in his room, and another has already drifted off to bed. Each person seems to individually be at peace with wrapping up their days in this place.

This place has a culture with it. A community that continues to grow and expand. It's strange, and changes, but is good at the same time.  That's my random thought for now. That's what I've got.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Road Trip!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted (again). I figure this should do the trick Two weekends ago we took the roadtrip I previously mentioned to a mysterious hobbit trail and the Oregon Coast. If a picture is worth a thousand words, and one second of video has 30 frames, I figure this little 7 minute recap must be worth a bout 12,600,000 words. Lets be honest, that's more than I would have written anyway.

Remember, this is a speed recap, as in, most of it was edited in the car on the trip as we went. Don't expect too much in the quality department, or the narrative to be excellent. With that disclaimer, here it is:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh, Hello.

Well, it's been a while. I guess I don't really need to preface with that. You either know that, or could know it by looking at the post dates. Whatever. I'm still posting this.

Things have been busy, but great the last few weeks! We're two weeks into Winter quarter. Our talk series this quarter is "God of All", meaning we're discussing each week how God is God of our finances, realtionhips, technology lives, etc. It's a very cool talk series. I'm sure I'll be posting more about it as the quarter goes on. There's really a lot ot talk about in each topic.

In other news, my visit home was very nice. I was home for a week and half, and really did nothing my whole time there. I visited a few people here and there, but I really didn't wan tto do anything except read and sleep. It was probably good for me, but I'm glad to be back in the state of constantly doing things. I get little breaks here and there though, so don't worry too much about me.

Speaking of breaks, tomorrow morning, Zach, Tim, Brooke and I are heading to Oregon for the weekend! We're visiting some friends from Alaska, then continuing on to see some kind of "Hobbit Trail" that Zach found on the internet. The trail is somewhere over on the coast. I agreed to come along on the roadtrip on the condition that we'd stop by the AstorColumn in Astoria on the way back. I'm not sure why I like it so much, but it really is cool.

That's all I've got for now. I'm liking web design more after doing a lot of it over Christmas break. My next task is to work on developing my creative eye for websites and things like that. It's alright, but sometimes not so much.  We'll see. With that said, have a great week and long weekend!