Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Campus Ministry: Crazy Adventure

Campus ministry has been a huge part of my time in school. When I started my education at a local community college, I didn't have much direction in my life or a strong understanding of what it meant to be a young adult of faith. Out on my own, I was without the guidance of my parents or high school friends to encourage my spiritual growth and connection with a local church. I spent the year lonely, confused, and frustrated about the ways my life had changed.

Eventually, a call from a friend invited me to move away from the community college and continue my education at Western Washington University. I agreed to join him, although this move didn't seem reasonable or a good way to move forward with my academic career. Within a week of moving two hours from where I was, another good friend invited me to the INN, a large campus ministry in Bellingham.

Through the INN, I reconnected with my faith and began learning and growing more through participation in weekly gatherings, small groups, and a mission trip to rural Maine. My eyes were opened to what it means to make this faith my own and make it a priority in my life. My time at the INN as a student ended last year, as I transitioned into being an intern at the INN and realizing that I have a passion for working with students and helping them discover faith.

Through my growth this year as an intern in a campus ministry setting, I am committed to supporting campus ministry with my time. This year's ministry experience has been fantastic. I love the way I have been able to see God move in a large group of students, as well as how God works through small details. I will be supporting college ministry the rest of my life. Either directly, as a campus minister, or indirectly, through financial and other giving.

Campus ministry faces huge challenges in the future. Campus ministry will continued to be challenged in funding. Students don't have the funds necessary to support large ministry organizations, supporting churches don't gain members or funds from college students, and parents are already struggling to keep up with the raising costs of higher education.

Campus ministry will also be challenged in how it reaches out to students. In a world where we are terrified to offending one another over religious beliefs, Campus ministries will need to continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At times, this will bring challenge, offense, hurt, love, care and joy. Within a campus ministry community, we walk together, causing another challenge of supporting students through changing times. We are challenged to be tollerant, without watering down the Truth.

Campus ministry is an exciting place to be. We live in a changing world, which is amplified in campus ministry, where participants turnover every 4-5 years as they finish their education and move out into the world. Despite the challenges, it's a great adventure that has been worth every dollar and every hour of time. There is no greater adventure than following Christ, and campus ministry is no exception.

1 comment:

Unknown said... are cool!