Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nearing the End of the First Quarter

It's almost here. The end of the first quarter. I can't really believe it. I posted on the INN's intern blog the other day about how it feels like we just started. With the whirlwind of activity, blogging here has fallen a little by the wayside.

Over the last few weeks, the things I haven't told you about are crazy adventures in ministry of things like building wooden frames for 25 feet of Christmas scenes, helping plan an alternative worship gathering, lots of hanging out with students, late nights building timelines about my life, or seeing Peter Rollins speak at Mars Hill Graduate School (not the church). All good things, but those things alone deserve a book and something more than a little blog post.

I work with a lot of awesome interns and staff. As this quarter comes to a close, I can use prayers to help me keep service in mind and keep myself mindful of their needs. Also, to end the quarter strong, and begin planning Winter quarter.

This post may have not informed you of anything, but it helps me feel like I've blogged, and removes all of the above items from things I feel like I should write about. I'll be able to write more frequently because of this. It's weird, but you probably get it. Right?

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