Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bless Bellingham Day!

Today is officially Bless Bellingham Day! The congregation of First Pres-Bham is heading out everywhere on organized and non-organized trips all over the city to be a blessing. It's an awesome opportunity for us to give back to the community that has given us so much. I'm excited to see what Bellingham looks like after a congregation gathers together to go out and make a difference in the community. While I think we should always be living to make a difference in our community, I think seeing what we can all do together will be awesome.

My part this morning is picking up some High School kids for our community pancake breakfast this morning. Starting at 10am, there will be free pancakes in the basement of FPC for anyone in the community who would care to come. There is no catch, no sales pitch, just come enjoy pancakes with us.

Even greater than getting to be a part of this myself, I'm excited to have the high school students involved. During the presby student advocacy and leadership team meeting, we talked a little, but I've been thinking about a lot, how today so many students aren't joining mainline denominations(or, worse, churches at all!). I think making pancakes for the community with others from the chuch today will be a good reminder for all of us that we're connected to something larger than just youth group and that we can make a difference in the community together.

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