Tuesday, June 3, 2008

End of some things, starts of others!

I've started the process of packing up all my stuff to get it moved home, or get it ready to go to Alaska. It's kinda sad, because I've lived in the same house for the last two years, and definitely have some great memories here. It's also weird to see my room being much cleaner than it previously was. Oh well. Packing up and leaving is essential though. It's making room for new people to move into this house that will bring a fresh view and an excitement to live in a great place that is both close to campus, FPC, and has cheap rent. If all goes according to plan, all three floors of this building will be filled with INN students. Actually 10 total to be precise. 10 students, 8 bedrooms. It'll be an adventure to say the least!

Moving also makes a space for my new, graduated, life. I've heard it'll be different, and I'm already starting to see some of the changes. I'm okay with it, and getting more excited as each day goes by about what next year will be like. Until then though, its pretty sad to have to box up all this stuff and pack it out. It's been a great time!

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