Friday, June 13, 2008

Lots of Random Things

As of today, and more officially tomorrow, my life as a university student at Western Washington University is over. It's really weird. I don't think it hit me until after this morning. I spent this morning helping some INN folk pack up the office into a box. Seeing that place emptied out of all familiarity made me realize that all familiarity of how I function at the INN, as a person, and as a "professional" are all about to take a dramatic change. It hit me again as I walked up the stairs of my house looking at the enormous yellow beast as I have so many times, but this time realizing that I don't get to be a part of living here again next year. I think both these changes are for better, but I'll absolutely miss everything that came with the last three or so years.

Our weather has been terrible this month. I'd like to think it could be Bellingham's way of saying goodbye to a lot of friends who are graduating and heading off into the distance, but in reality, its just a continuation of more weird weather. I should expect it by now.

To celebrate this change that happens every year, the last few weeks have been littered with fires near the beach. It's been a fantastic way to see friends before leaving.

Finally, in the last few days of this week the weather has gotten nicer and we've been able to go outside as roommates for a few last times to experience the landscape that Bellingham has to offer. I love it. So good.

The end of this quarter also marks the end of the "Sunshine Experiment". This was a challenge between our house, Fred's "house" and Mara's house to prepare cheap meals entirely from components from Sunshine Liquidators and live to see the next day. Well, we're all still here, so I suppose it was a success. It was a great way to get our houses together and have some fun times as we shared in wet dough balls, nacho cheese soup, and crunchy mexican surprise.

Zach introduced us to a new dice game called Greed. It's excellent. I hope to play a lot in Alaska(where I'll be on Monday!). I've won 2/2 of the games I've played, so we'll see if that record gets broken. I'm pretty excited about that!

1 comment:

mike said...

well said, stead. well said.