Sunday, June 22, 2008


Wow! The last two days I've been able to go on other people's tours up the pass and into the Yukon. Both drivers were fantastic, and I couldn't have had better people to ride with. Even better, both tours provided awesome barbeque lunches. I've heard though that I'll even get tired of the awesome food after eating it for 30 days straight. Oh well!

Both days have left me done early, so I've gotten a chance to slow down a bit and explore Skagway. On the first day, a few of us rode our bikes out to a point on the edge of Skagway with an awesome view of the ship that was in town, as well as the Lynn Canal. We layed on a few rocks and read books, enjoyed the view, and tried to stay warm in the wind.

I'm terrified of giving tours, but less so than I was when I first got here. I'm feeling better about it the more and more I learn about this place. Now that I have a better understanding of where I am, I'm understanding more about what has happened here, and how to weave it all together into a coherent, entertaining, educational, and timeworthy story.

Today is my first day off, and it feels really weird to sit around and not do anything. My activies for the day have only really included laundry, a ride to the grocery store, and watching movies with people when they come back from doing their transfers. What a life! Probably back to work tomorrow, and my life will look like the picture below again:

Oh well, can't complain!

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