Sunday, November 2, 2008


The leaves are falling. Every day that I want to drive my car, it seems that I have to scrape off quite a few leaves til I can even think about driving anywhere. I think I've been doing a pretty good job of not driving too much, and I'm really enjoying all the walking I'm getting in.

This weekend was my frist real weekend to not do anything. I got in some good sleep, visited some great friends, and relaxed. Much needed!

I'll be writing about it more later, but my visit to Louisville was awesome. I'm really excited about the team that we selected and how well they all work together. We're working on a big website and working to make it useful for students.

A rainy day today, but not all bad. This week is going to be a little busy with working on the mission location announcement video. I think the idea for it is really cool, it'll just be up to me to pull it off technically. I know all the locations of the 2009 trips, and I wish I could say what they are. I'm really excited for all of the trips, and especially my own. We're going to a great place, and I've got a great co-leader! I've said too much :)

1 comment:

Jake said...

"great co-leader" ... well that narrows it down.

juuuust joking.