Friday, November 7, 2008

It's good.

In most every conversation over the course of the last month, students, parents, family, friends, Alaskans all ask, "So, how's the internship going?"

I usually answer something generic, like, "Oh, it's great!" or maybe, "I'm having a good time, and learning a lot!"

Yesterday in a conversation with someone I would consider a good friend as of recent, I stopped to think about my response a little. I wasn't lying to other people, I just hadn't actually thought about what they were asking. I haven't paused until yesterday for this question. The internship has made me pause for lots of other things, but this question hadn't made it there yet.

As I responded in the car, in an honest momment, I said that I loved it, but this time really, really meant it. I wandered to why I love it, and further.

I love that I get to see people connect with God, and make their faith their own after growing up with what their parents may have(or may have not) believed. Students land in this same place and understand that they have a chance to try new things, think differently, and discover more about who they are. I get to be a part of this and I'm loving it.

I love that I get to work with caring people. People that will tell me when I do well, people who will help when I don't. People that are very family to me.

I love the flexibility, because I think it mirrors the flexibility that the Kingdom of God demands. We operate in a stream of ideas that sometimes don't fit what has been done before.

This is a great year. Not just because I'm learning a lot for myself, but because I get to be a part of a community that is living and growing that meant so much to me as a student.

So when I'm asked how the internship is going, and I respond, "Oh, it's great!" these are the wheels that start spinning that makes me smile, and most likely chuckle, at whoever I'm talking to.

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