Saturday, November 15, 2008

Old Friends,

Last weekend I got the chance to have lunch with a former intern. We chatted about how things were going, and I told him about how much I've been enjoying it. It was great meeting up with him, and the breakfast was really fantastic.

Before breakfast, it had been pouring down rain. We were totally soaked in just the walk between the parking lot and the restaurant. After breakfast though, the skies had almost totally cleared and we had quite a bit of blue! It was aweomse to see, very energizing. Sometimes in the winter months, people get pretty bogged down here because of all the gray. I took the chance to take a quick picture of the chuch in the light, very cool.

In other news, I was walking to the office the other day, minding my own business when I ran into(well, almost) a deer. I was probably a good solid 3 feet away when I looked up and saw the deer infront of me on the sidewalk. If I wouldn't have looked up, I totally would have tackled the poor deer and probably gotten a swift paw to the face. That would have made a pretty crazy story.

The last week has been pretty fast paced for me. I'm not sure if I've just been unproductive, or my todo list is getting longer, but I'm working on it. Thursday I accomplished quite a bit actually, and chopped tons of things off the list. Very nice.

So far this weekend my time has been filled with coffee shops, friends, farmers markets, and some great dinners. My challenge for this next week is to hang out with more students, seeing how things are going for them at this point in the quarter, hearing how God is working in their lives. These walks and coffee times do more for me than just encourage me and hopefully help me keep up with what is going on in their lives, but also provide a great time to slow down for a few minutes and enjoy some relaxing momments with some friends.

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