Saturday, July 12, 2008

Busy weeks!

I can't believe it's been since July 5th that I've posted anything. I just realized yesterday how busy it has been - after today I'll be down to four hours available, which essentially means that in the last 8 days I've worked 76 hours. Crazy! It doesn't even feel like it's been that many either. Weird.

I had my first Yukon tour the other day. I had a great group of people and we had a good time. That's really important, because its a 7 hour tour. Jeez. Yesterday I went back to my usual best of Skagway tour, but in the morning I did a historical tour, which ended up being a little rushed. 20 minutes at the museum, 4.5 minutes at the overlook, and then a quick trip down to the days of 98 show. Almost four weeks in, and I still love the job. Woo hoo!

I didn't believe Zach at first when he told me that I wasn't going to leave this place in September, but he's right. It'll be a really sad ending. Luckily(?) a lot of the other drivers go to BYU, and they're on semesters and will be heading out mid august, so I get to say my good byes in stages. There are a lot of great people here, and a few have already said they'll be coming through bellingham on their route home. It seems like those who drove up here didn't come from any close states though. They've been from texas, Utah, or Idaho. No one from Washington!

Even being up here, I've met some really awesome Washington people, even some in Bellingham that I didn't know of until my time up here. Really cool people. I think we'll all be seeing more of each other when we all get back. Awesome!

Ugh, no pictures. So busy. On top of that, my phone is toast again. Jeez.

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