Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Suspension Bridges, Rivers, and Housing

Wow! I can't believe I've been here for two and a half weeks already. It's been great so far. A lot of driving, a lot of hours, but for some reason, the mentality of coming up here to work and relax has made working so many hours not so bad. I think I came prepared to work up to 80/week, so working only 70 feels like a vacation! I even had a day or two off this week.

Yesterday I gave my first tour to the "Yukon Suspension Bridge". It was a little tough, because I had never been up to the bridge before. I'm glad I found it. Interestingly, this "Yukon" bridge isn't in the Yukon at all. I guess "British Columbia Suspension Bridge" doesn't have the same ring to it.

Anyway, the bridge was constructed in 2005. It's a pretty cool structure and visitor center they've built. The whole thing, though, is a great example of building a tourist attraction out of thin air. Of course, there is beautiful scenery, a river(tutshi) that carried gold rushers to Lake Tutshi so they could continue on to Dawson city (where one could supposedly scoop up gold and return home without breaking a sweat!), and an empty spot on the highway.

The bridge is fairly close to the famed "Log Cabin", which is the end point for the Chilkoot trail that Zach, some friends and I hope to hike sometime this month. Should be good. Tomorrow is a "transfer" day for me. All that means is that if the schedule stays the same, I won't be making any trips up the pass, or into the Yukon. Every once in a while these days are nice. Especially nice is that there is a lot of time where we need to stay with the bus places, and therefore stay on the clock. Actually, by a lot of time, I mean I probably spend more time staging places than I do actually driving. I've gotten a lot of good reading done, including knocking out one of the internship books, and being halfway done with the second. Woo hoo!

Included in this post are some pictures of my housing. In the shop house there are about 12 of us( I think?). We share a big area and kitchen. The other picture is the shop, and the mountains in the background that I wake up to everyday. Two and a half weeks in, I still consider myself lucky to be here!

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