Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July Celebration!

After my last post, I thought I was all out of fourth/third of July Celebrations for a bit. Yesterday morning started out with a parade. It wasn't a usual parade either, the floats were all pretty funny. It was also nice that they're able to throw candy at children here. I like that. I also enjoyed a few pieces of candy.

One of the floats stands out in my head in particular. It was a large mosquito net looking thing on the back of a trailer. In a huge sign on the side it said "Tourist Trap" and had people inside of it asking silly tourist questions like "What's our elevation here?" and "where can I get my free train charm/ticket?". Oh, funny. On the back of the float, it had a sign declaring that Skagway won't be celebrating its independence until October 1st, the day all the tourists stop coming.

Our float was fantastic in spirit, but poor in design. Unfortunately, all those streamers we put on the new bus did bleed onto the new white paint. There were a ton of us riding on the trailer and in the bus. Pretty funny. Good stuff. Who D.A.T., Who D.A.T! (Disco Alaska Tours) Yeyeah.

After the parade, I participated in a little piece of history. Yesterday skagway attempted to beat the worlds largest egg toss record. I've heard anywhere from 900-1400 of us participated. Craaazy. It was fun though. And we broke the record. Awesome!

Later on in the day was the duckie derby. For $10 or so you could buy a small rubber duck and race it down pullen creek. The first one to Pullen pond won $1000. Pretty sweet. I didn't get there on time, so I didn't race one, but it was still fun.

No work today. Its my third day off this week. A little crazy, but I'll take it. It'll be good for laundry, and then I think I'm going to go hiking with some of the drivers. Nothing big, just fun stuff.

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