Friday, July 4, 2008

Third of July Celebration

What a night! After finishing work yesterday, our boss invited the company and all the shore ex folk, vendors, and a lot of Skagway to his house for a party and float building. We had some great food, saw a lot of drivers for the first time for a while, and started decorating our "float". The float consists of a 15 passenger van dragging a trailer with streamers and flags all over it. We also decorated one of the newer busses. Unfortunately, it started to rain last night, so hopefully those nice red streamers won't bleed all over the bus and leave some nice racing stripes.

After the party, a few of us ran back home for some warmer clothes, then drove down town to the Skagway street dance. We were there for the last hour of it. It was good to see a lot of people, especially since they're in costumes when I run into them usually.

It was a good bit of dancing and friends, and we topped it off with fireworks. We headed over to the ore dock and sat and watched the fireworks from one of the dock boat bumpers. Not a bad firework show!

All in all, a fantastic day. I think since the drivers that are here now are pretty much here for the rest of the summer, we're getting better at communicating and doing what we do(move people, and talk a little). The party, dance and fireworks made me feel like our company was family. There are a lot of quality people up here that are incredible to hang out with. I'm having a really good time.

Today is the parade, slow bike race, and egg toss. We're hoping to set a world record for the egg toss. I think we only need 250 participants or something like that. Everyone is excited about it, so it should go well!

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