Friday, April 18, 2008

Travel Blogger!

Well, I'll be honest. I've always wanted to be a travel blogger. You know, one of those people who travels the world, and tells people about it in a beautiful combination of words and pictures during the trip. Something like a newsletter, but more real. More current. More exciting. Something that allows friends, family members, and random people on the internet to enter into the sights and sounds of wherever I happen to be. Not that they would necessarily be interested.

So, today begins it. I am going to be a blogger once and for all. No guarantees on post quantity(or quality), but a greater attempt at using this fantastic internet tool while I'm out and about.

Here it is:

Today Zach and I left Bellingham for Vancouver. He was originally supposed to sing at sabbath tonight, and I was looking forward to going. Unfortunately, he hasn't been feeling so great, so he wouldn't be able to sing. On the upside, this allowed us to leave bellingham a little earlier.

Traffic was terrible. The whole way down through everett to tacoma was stop and go. The only thing that made the drive bearable was some good conversation about the next few years, small groups, INN stuff, life, and a few comments about the weather. The weather was especially commentable because it snowed on and off. Just lightly, but just enough to be strange too.

About 7:45, we arrived at Zach's brother's house where his mom and dad live. It's a beautiful house with a great view. On the weekend agenda is see my aunt, visit portland, have coffee with Tori, see the Wells family(and baby Wells!), and hopefully squeeze in a little racquetball. More pictures to come, as we see more! I left my camera cable in bham, so we'll see if I can rig someway to get pictures up!

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